Friday, May 29, 2009

~*We got the house!!!*~

So EXCITING news!! We finalized the paperwork for the 5 bedroom house today. (we are only renting but its equally exciting!) We still havn't packed our apartment yet but at least we now have a place to move to!!! We are supposed to move tomorrow we pick up the moving truck at noon so we have 16 hours to pack and move...... We are so screwed....... Anyway to add to the stress our tabs expire this sunday and so does our state inspection, and i am completly broke after paying rent and moving truck and bills... How am i going to pay for this other stuff..... I am going to go to the Navy marine Corps Relief Society to see if they can helps us but i am not getting my hopes up in case they can't. Well I should get going because i have to help jacob pack now. Hope everyone (by everyone i mean Ashley since she's the only one who reads this) has a WONDERFUL weekend! :)

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